I am a cowgirl who is really silly and loves to act like a fool on the internet. I am 26 years old. I know. Basically a corpse.
its hard talking about yourself. Online it is easier though. I talk about myself a ton on stream because like idk ur marketing yourself i guess? This helped me learn a lot about who I am honeslty. But ill just start with the normal stuff hehe. Im from the US and currently live in the midwest. I know, exciting. I like it here becuase I hate the ocean (bc deep i do like the aesthetics tho) and it was super cheap for me to actually be able to afford housing- I KNOW NOOO WAYYYYY. YES GIRL, i was able to buy a house at 23. Im hella grateful for that.
oh and yeah, im a registered nurse too. I have a bachelors in sciene of nursing and minors in public health and healthcare ethics. I used to work in psych as an inpatient nurse but moved to the OR for the past 4 years. Nursing is amazing and a huge part of my life but it really takes a toll on me emotionally and physically as I a tragically a soft person. Physically and mentally. But i will always be a nurse even if I never return to full time.
look at this thing
pretty sweet,huh?
wow I seriously was yapping up there.... sheesh. oh. dont forget to look at my pets page!!!
crochet, mmos, pompompurin, carbohydrates, plants, sims 2 (and 4 is fine whatever), organzing all my trinkets, making lists, collecting stickers, blinking at my cats, rubbing my feet together like a little bug, spicy food, streaming, worm grunting, drawing hot big boobied women, meat, driving the speed limit, redbull 20oz can
that rust orange color some cars have, humidity, candid photos of me, stink bugs, cardboard, how attached i get to internet cats, teeth, my fleshy prison, oil rigs or like any kind of machines that go underwater yeah no fuck that shit bro we spent all these years evovling not to go into the water why yall diving right back in. insane behavior. insurance companies.