under construction
collecting little trinkets online and irl is a huge
passion to me. I love to crochet, buy
stickers, make stickers, do weird little diy crafts and spend hours collecting 102.4gb of
sims mods. I feel fufilled organzing all my special little objects and files. Its very
comforting to me.
really admire the web revival movement. As someone who has spent my entire life
watching the rise of social media, everything feels boring and gross now. I dont give a fug
about the algo i just wanna post shit for my people. So lets enjoy making our own little
nests in this corner of cyberspace. I'm excited to have a place to archive this silly little
life of mine.
I have a long way to go to get to the point where this site is in a "finished" state. Not that itll ever reaaally be finished, but to the point where I will only be doing new content and not messing with my layout 24/7. This site is my personal space, a place to archive, vent, and store my collection of things i love!